Best Practices for Optimizing Apache Beam Pipelines

Are you tired of slow and inefficient Apache Beam pipelines? Do you want to optimize your pipelines and make them run faster and more efficiently? Look no further! In this article, we will discuss the best practices for optimizing Apache Beam pipelines.


Apache Beam is an open-source, unified programming model for batch and streaming data processing. It provides a simple and powerful way to build data processing pipelines that can run on various execution engines such as Apache Flink, Apache Spark, and Google Cloud Dataflow. However, building efficient and scalable pipelines can be challenging, especially when dealing with large datasets and complex transformations.

To optimize Apache Beam pipelines, we need to focus on three main areas: data parallelism, resource utilization, and pipeline design. Let's dive into each area and explore the best practices.

Data Parallelism

Data parallelism is the ability to process data in parallel across multiple workers or nodes. It is essential for scaling pipelines to handle large datasets. Apache Beam provides two main ways to achieve data parallelism: parallelism at the source and parallelism at the transform.

Parallelism at the Source

Parallelism at the source refers to the ability to read data from multiple sources in parallel. For example, if you have multiple files or partitions, you can read them in parallel to speed up the pipeline. To achieve parallelism at the source, you can use the FileBasedSource or TextIO transforms with the withNumShards option. This option allows you to specify the number of shards or partitions to read in parallel.

with beam.Pipeline() as p:
    lines = p | 'ReadFromText' >>

In this example, we are reading text files from a Google Cloud Storage bucket and specifying to read them in four shards.

Parallelism at the Transform

Parallelism at the transform refers to the ability to process data in parallel across multiple workers or nodes within a transform. For example, if you have a transform that performs a CPU-intensive operation, you can split the input data into multiple bundles and process them in parallel. To achieve parallelism at the transform, you can use the ParDo transform with the num_workers option. This option allows you to specify the number of workers to use for processing.

class MyDoFn(beam.DoFn):
    def process(self, element):
        # Perform CPU-intensive operation
        return [result]

with beam.Pipeline() as p:
    lines = p | 'ReadFromText' >>
    results = lines | 'MyDoFn' >> beam.ParDo(

In this example, we are using the ParDo transform to apply a CPU-intensive operation to each element in parallel across four workers.

Resource Utilization

Resource utilization refers to the efficient use of resources such as CPU, memory, and network bandwidth. To optimize resource utilization, we need to consider the following factors: worker size, autoscaling, and data locality.

Worker Size

Worker size refers to the amount of CPU and memory allocated to each worker. Choosing the right worker size can significantly impact the performance and cost of your pipeline. If the worker size is too small, the pipeline may be slow due to CPU and memory constraints. If the worker size is too large, the pipeline may be inefficient due to underutilization of resources.

To choose the right worker size, you need to consider the following factors:

You can use the following formula to estimate the required memory for your pipeline:

Memory (GB) = Dataset Size (GB) * Parallelism * Memory Overhead


For example, if you have a 100 GB dataset and a parallelism of 10, and the memory overhead is 2 GB, the required memory for each worker is:

Memory (GB) = 100 * 10 * 2 = 2000 GB

In this case, you need to choose a worker size that has at least 2 GB of memory.


Autoscaling refers to the ability of the pipeline to automatically adjust the number of workers based on the workload. Autoscaling can help optimize resource utilization and reduce costs by scaling up or down the number of workers based on the demand.

To enable autoscaling, you can use the DataflowRunner with the autoscaling_algorithm option set to THROUGHPUT_BASED. This option allows the pipeline to scale up or down based on the throughput of the pipeline.

options = {
    'runner': 'DataflowRunner',
    'project': 'my-project',
    'region': 'us-central1',
    'autoscaling_algorithm': 'THROUGHPUT_BASED',
    'max_num_workers': 10,
    'disk_size_gb': 100,
    'temp_location': 'gs://my-bucket/tmp',
    'staging_location': 'gs://my-bucket/staging'

with beam.Pipeline(options=options) as p:

In this example, we are using the DataflowRunner with the THROUGHPUT_BASED autoscaling algorithm and a maximum of 10 workers.

Data Locality

Data locality refers to the ability of the pipeline to process data on the same node where the data is stored. Data locality can help optimize network bandwidth and reduce the cost of data transfer.

To enable data locality, you can use the DataflowRunner with the use_public_ips option set to False. This option allows the pipeline to use private IP addresses for communication between workers and storage services.

options = {
    'runner': 'DataflowRunner',
    'project': 'my-project',
    'region': 'us-central1',
    'use_public_ips': False,
    'max_num_workers': 10,
    'disk_size_gb': 100,
    'temp_location': 'gs://my-bucket/tmp',
    'staging_location': 'gs://my-bucket/staging'

with beam.Pipeline(options=options) as p:

In this example, we are using the DataflowRunner with the use_public_ips option set to False.

Pipeline Design

Pipeline design refers to the structure and organization of the pipeline. A well-designed pipeline can improve the readability, maintainability, and performance of the pipeline. To optimize pipeline design, we need to consider the following factors: data skew, fusion, and caching.

Data Skew

Data skew refers to the uneven distribution of data across workers or nodes. Data skew can cause some workers to be overloaded while others are idle, leading to inefficient resource utilization and slow pipeline performance.

To avoid data skew, you can use the Reshuffle transform to evenly distribute data across workers.

with beam.Pipeline() as p:
    lines = p | 'ReadFromText' >>
    shuffled_lines = lines | 'Reshuffle' >> beam.Reshuffle()

In this example, we are using the Reshuffle transform to evenly distribute the input data across workers.


Fusion refers to the ability of the pipeline to combine multiple transforms into a single operation. Fusion can help reduce the overhead of data serialization and deserialization and improve pipeline performance.

To enable fusion, you can use the PipelineOptions with the enable_fusion option set to True.

options = {
    'runner': 'DataflowRunner',
    'project': 'my-project',
    'region': 'us-central1',
    'enable_fusion': True,
    'max_num_workers': 10,
    'disk_size_gb': 100,
    'temp_location': 'gs://my-bucket/tmp',
    'staging_location': 'gs://my-bucket/staging'

with beam.Pipeline(options=options) as p:

In this example, we are using the PipelineOptions with the enable_fusion option set to True.


Caching refers to the ability of the pipeline to reuse intermediate results across multiple transforms. Caching can help reduce the amount of data transferred between workers and improve pipeline performance.

To enable caching, you can use the Cache transform to cache the output of a transform.

with beam.Pipeline() as p:
    lines = p | 'ReadFromText' >>
    results = lines | 'MyDoFn' >> beam.ParDo(MyDoFn())
    cached_results = results | 'Cache' >> beam.Cache()

In this example, we are using the Cache transform to cache the output of the MyDoFn transform.


Optimizing Apache Beam pipelines requires a combination of data parallelism, resource utilization, and pipeline design. By following the best practices discussed in this article, you can build efficient and scalable pipelines that can handle large datasets and complex transformations. Remember to choose the right worker size, enable autoscaling and data locality, avoid data skew, enable fusion, and use caching. Happy optimizing!

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