Apache Beam vs. Other Data Processing Frameworks: A Comparison

Data processing frameworks are essential for businesses and organizations that work with big data. These frameworks simplify the process of handling large amounts of data by streamlining the ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) pipelines. Apache Beam is one of the popular open-source data processing frameworks that has gained popularity among developers over the years. In this article, we will compare Apache Beam with other data processing frameworks and explore why Beam is a great choice for big data processing.

What Is Apache Beam?

Apache Beam is an open-source data processing framework that was first introduced by Google in 2016. It is designed to simplify the process of creating data processing pipelines that can be executed on any data processing engine including Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and Google's own Dataflow. Apache Beam is built on the concept of Dataflow programming which focuses on the correctness, portability, and performance of the data processing pipelines.

Apache Beam supports two types of programming models: Batch and stream processing. It provides a set of high-level APIs that enable you to write code in your preferred language, such as Java, Python, or Go. Apache Beam's portable APIs enable you to run the same code on any supported data processing engine without any modification.

Apache Beam vs. Apache Spark

Apache Spark is one of the most popular data processing frameworks that is widely used in the industry. Like Apache Beam, it is also an open-source platform that is designed for batch and stream processing. However, there are several key differences between Apache Beam and Apache Spark that you should be aware of.

Programming Model

Apache Spark provides a single programming model that is designed for distributed computing. It provides a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) API that is based on a functional programming paradigm. Apache Spark's RDDs are immutable, which means that you cannot modify the data once it is created. This makes it easy to reason about the data flow and ensures that the computation is deterministic.

On the other hand, Apache Beam provides a unified programming model that can be used for both batch and stream processing. It provides a set of high-level APIs that are designed to be portable across different data processing engines. Apache Beam's programming model is based on Dataflow programming, which enables you to write expressive and concise code that is easy to understand.


Apache Spark is tightly coupled with the Hadoop ecosystem, which means that it can only be used with Hadoop-based data processing engines such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Flink. While Apache Spark does provide some level of portability, it is still limited to Hadoop-based systems.

Apache Beam, on the other hand, is designed to be highly portable across different data processing engines. It provides a set of portable APIs that enable you to write code once and run it anywhere. This means that you can write your data processing code using Apache Beam and run it on any supported data processing engine such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, or Google Dataflow.


Apache Spark's streaming API is based on micro-batching, which means that the data is processed in small batches. This can result in high latency when processing real-time data. While Apache Spark provides some level of support for stream processing, it is not as efficient as Apache Beam's streaming capabilities.

Apache Beam provides a unified streaming API that is designed to handle both batch and stream processing. It provides a set of windowing primitives that enable you to handle data that arrives in a continuous stream. This makes it easy to process real-time data efficiently and accurately.

Apache Beam vs. Apache Flink

Apache Flink is another popular data processing framework that is widely used in the industry. It is designed for both batch and stream processing and provides advanced features such as stateful stream processing and event-time processing. Here are some key differences between Apache Beam and Apache Flink.

Programming Model

Apache Flink provides a single programming model for both batch and stream processing. It provides a DataSet API for batch processing and a DataStream API for stream processing. While Apache Flink's programming model is more flexible than Apache Spark's, it can still be hard to reason about the code due to the complexity of the APIs.

Apache Beam, on the other hand, provides a high-level programming model that is based on Dataflow programming. It provides a set of portable APIs that enable you to write code that can run on any supported data processing engine with minimal modifications.


Similar to Apache Spark, Apache Flink is tightly coupled with the Hadoop ecosystem, which means that it can only be used with Hadoop-based data processing engines. While Apache Flink does provide some level of portability, it is still limited to Hadoop-based systems.

Apache Beam is designed to be highly portable across different data processing engines. It provides a set of portable APIs that enable you to write code once and run it anywhere. This means that you can write your data processing code using Apache Beam and run it on any supported data processing engine such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, or Google Dataflow.


Apache Flink provides advanced features for stream processing, such as stateful stream processing and event-time processing. While Apache Flink's streaming capabilities are more advanced than Apache Spark's, it still lacks some of the functionality provided by Apache Beam.

Apache Beam provides a unified streaming API that is designed to handle both batch and stream processing. It provides a set of windowing primitives that enable you to handle data that arrives in a continuous stream. This makes it easy to process real-time data efficiently and accurately.


Apache Beam is a powerful and flexible data processing framework that is designed for both batch and stream processing. It provides a high-level programming model that is based on Dataflow programming, which makes it easy to write expressive and concise code. Apache Beam's portability and streaming capabilities make it a great choice for businesses and organizations that work with big data.

In this article, we compared Apache Beam with Apache Spark and Apache Flink. While all three frameworks are designed for batch and stream processing, Apache Beam stands out because of its unified programming model and portability across different data processing engines. Apache Beam's streaming capabilities are also more advanced than Apache Spark's and comparable to Apache Flink's.

If you're interested in learning more about Apache Beam and how it can simplify your big data processing tasks, visit our website at learnbeam.dev. We offer a range of tutorials and resources that can help you get started with Apache Beam and become a proficient data engineer.

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