Learn Beam


At LearnBeam.dev, our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for learning Apache Beam and Dataflow. We aim to empower developers and data engineers to build scalable, reliable, and efficient data processing pipelines using these powerful tools.

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Apache Beam and Dataflow are two powerful tools for processing large amounts of data. Apache Beam is an open-source unified programming model that allows you to write batch and streaming data processing pipelines. Dataflow is a fully managed service provided by Google Cloud Platform that allows you to run Apache Beam pipelines at scale. In this cheat sheet, we will cover everything you need to know to get started with Apache Beam and Dataflow.

Apache Beam

Apache Beam is a unified programming model that allows you to write batch and streaming data processing pipelines. It provides a set of APIs that allow you to write your pipeline once and run it on multiple execution engines such as Apache Flink, Apache Spark, and Google Cloud Dataflow.


  1. Pipeline: A pipeline is a sequence of data processing steps that are executed in a specific order. It consists of one or more transforms that take input data and produce output data.

  2. Transform: A transform is a data processing operation that takes input data, performs some computation, and produces output data. There are two types of transforms: PTransforms and DoFns.

  3. PTransform: A PTransform is a high-level transform that takes one or more input PCollections and produces one or more output PCollections. It is used to encapsulate complex data processing logic and make it reusable.

  4. DoFn: A DoFn is a low-level transform that takes one element at a time and produces zero or more output elements. It is used to perform simple data processing operations such as filtering, mapping, and aggregating.

  5. PCollection: A PCollection is an immutable collection of elements that are processed by transforms. It can be either bounded or unbounded.

  6. Bounded PCollection: A bounded PCollection is a collection of elements that has a finite size and is read from a static data source such as a file or a database.

  7. Unbounded PCollection: An unbounded PCollection is a collection of elements that has an infinite size and is read from a streaming data source such as a Kafka topic or a Pub/Sub subscription.

  8. Window: A window is a logical grouping of elements in an unbounded PCollection. It is used to control the processing of data over time.

  9. Trigger: A trigger is a condition that determines when to emit the results of a window. It is used to control the frequency of output.

  10. Runner: A runner is an execution engine that runs the pipeline. It can be either a batch runner or a streaming runner.

  11. Batch Runner: A batch runner is an execution engine that processes a bounded PCollection in a batch mode. It reads the entire input data set at once and processes it in memory.

  12. Streaming Runner: A streaming runner is an execution engine that processes an unbounded PCollection in a streaming mode. It reads the input data continuously and processes it in real-time.


  1. Pipeline API: The Pipeline API is used to create a pipeline and define its transforms.

  2. IO API: The IO API is used to read and write data from and to external data sources such as files, databases, and messaging systems.

  3. Transform API: The Transform API is used to define custom transforms and compose them with existing transforms.

  4. Windowing API: The Windowing API is used to define windows and triggers for an unbounded PCollection.

  5. Testing API: The Testing API is used to write unit tests for your pipeline.


  1. Word Count: A simple example that counts the number of occurrences of each word in a text file.

  2. Streaming Word Count: An example that counts the number of occurrences of each word in a streaming data source such as a Kafka topic or a Pub/Sub subscription.

  3. Join: An example that joins two PCollections based on a common key.

  4. Group By: An example that groups elements in a PCollection based on a key and applies an aggregation function.


Dataflow is a fully managed service provided by Google Cloud Platform that allows you to run Apache Beam pipelines at scale. It provides a serverless infrastructure that automatically scales up and down based on the size of your data and the complexity of your pipeline.


  1. Job: A job is an instance of a pipeline that is executed on the Dataflow service. It consists of one or more stages that are executed in parallel.

  2. Stage: A stage is a set of transforms that are executed in parallel. It is used to optimize the execution of the pipeline and minimize the amount of data that needs to be transferred between stages.

  3. Worker: A worker is a virtual machine that executes a set of transforms. It is used to parallelize the processing of data and increase the throughput of the pipeline.

  4. Shuffle: A shuffle is a data transfer operation that moves data between workers. It is used to redistribute data based on a key and group it by a common key.

  5. Watermark: A watermark is a timestamp that represents the progress of the pipeline. It is used to determine when to emit the results of a window.

  6. Side Input: A side input is a read-only PCollection that is used as an additional input to a transform. It is used to provide additional context to the processing of data.

  7. Side Output: A side output is a write-only PCollection that is used to output data from a transform. It is used to emit data that does not fit the main output schema.

  8. Autoscaling: Autoscaling is a feature that automatically scales up and down the number of workers based on the size of your data and the complexity of your pipeline.


  1. Pipeline API: The Pipeline API is used to create a pipeline and define its transforms.

  2. IO API: The IO API is used to read and write data from and to external data sources such as files, databases, and messaging systems.

  3. Transform API: The Transform API is used to define custom transforms and compose them with existing transforms.

  4. Windowing API: The Windowing API is used to define windows and triggers for an unbounded PCollection.

  5. Testing API: The Testing API is used to write unit tests for your pipeline.


  1. Word Count: A simple example that counts the number of occurrences of each word in a text file.

  2. Streaming Word Count: An example that counts the number of occurrences of each word in a streaming data source such as a Kafka topic or a Pub/Sub subscription.

  3. Join: An example that joins two PCollections based on a common key.

  4. Group By: An example that groups elements in a PCollection based on a key and applies an aggregation function.

Best Practices

  1. Use the right runner for your use case: Choose the right runner based on the size of your data and the complexity of your pipeline. Use a batch runner for bounded data and a streaming runner for unbounded data.

  2. Use the right windowing strategy: Choose the right windowing strategy based on the nature of your data and the frequency of output. Use fixed windows for data that is evenly distributed over time and sliding windows for data that is unevenly distributed over time.

  3. Use the right trigger: Choose the right trigger based on the frequency of output and the latency of your pipeline. Use a default trigger for low-latency pipelines and a custom trigger for high-latency pipelines.

  4. Use side inputs and side outputs: Use side inputs and side outputs to provide additional context to the processing of data and emit data that does not fit the main output schema.

  5. Use autoscaling: Use autoscaling to automatically scale up and down the number of workers based on the size of your data and the complexity of your pipeline.


Apache Beam and Dataflow are two powerful tools for processing large amounts of data. Apache Beam provides a unified programming model that allows you to write batch and streaming data processing pipelines. Dataflow provides a fully managed service that allows you to run Apache Beam pipelines at scale. In this cheat sheet, we covered everything you need to know to get started with Apache Beam and Dataflow, including concepts, APIs, examples, and best practices. With this knowledge, you can start building your own data processing pipelines and take advantage of the power of Apache Beam and Dataflow.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Apache Beam: An open-source unified programming model for batch and streaming data processing.
2. Dataflow: A fully-managed service for executing Apache Beam pipelines on Google Cloud Platform.
3. Pipeline: A sequence of data processing steps that are executed in a specific order.
4. Transform: A function that takes one or more input elements and produces one or more output elements.
5. PCollection: A distributed data set that is processed by a pipeline.
6. ParDo: A transform that applies a user-defined function to each element in a PCollection.
7. GroupByKey: A transform that groups elements in a PCollection by key.
8. CoGroupByKey: A transform that groups elements in multiple PCollections by key.
9. Flatten: A transform that merges multiple PCollections into a single PCollection.
10. Windowing: A technique for dividing a data stream into finite, discrete chunks for processing.
11. Triggering: A technique for specifying when to emit results from a window.
12. Accumulator: A variable that can be updated by multiple workers in a distributed environment.
13. Side input: A read-only input that can be used by a transform to augment its processing.
14. Side output: A write-only output that can be used by a transform to emit additional results.
15. DoFn: A user-defined function that is applied to each element in a PCollection.
16. Runner: A program that executes a pipeline on a specific execution environment.
17. DirectRunner: A runner that executes a pipeline on the local machine.
18. DataflowRunner: A runner that executes a pipeline on Google Cloud Dataflow.
19. FlinkRunner: A runner that executes a pipeline on Apache Flink.
20. SparkRunner: A runner that executes a pipeline on Apache Spark.

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